Wellbeing: Eating for Energy

Hannah Braye – Fine Feather Nutrition (DipCNM, mBANT, CNHCreg)

Hannah is a qualified nutritional therapist providing evidence-based nutrition advice from a naturopathic, person-centred approach. She offers 1-1 consultations and continuing support to help her clients meet their health goals.

Hannah is also a member of the World Health Heroes, a network of health and well-being practitioners, promoting affordable health and well-being across local communities; an Assistant Clinical Supervisor at the College of Naturopathic Medicine; and she works part-time for the Soil Association, helping caterers improve the quality and sustainability of their food.

Website: www.finefeathernutrition.com

Eating for Energy

Are you struggling to get going in the morning or hitting a wall of fatigue in the afternoon? Did you know what and when you eat can have a profound effect on your energy levels? Come along to this informative talk to find out what to eat if you want to banish tiredness and get back to feeling full of beans.

YOGA: Finding the balance

Yoga is not an exercise regime yet we do exercises! It is about the mind yet we stop our thinking? It appears to be a good stretch yet it is not about flexibility! These are just a few of the contradictory impressions yoga has among the general public, including many of those who attend classes: so why the confusion?
Gary Osborn-Clarke will give a free talk on June 14, where he will explain what yoga is all about, why it helps us, and more.
A talk for everyone:  whether you have attended classes or not.

To get a taster read Gary blog: http://www.yogabristol.co.uk/2017/05/15/finding-the-balance/

Gary has been teaching yoga in Bristol since 2003 and practising for more than 22 years.
To find out more about him, see his Testimonials page, http://www.yogabristol.co.uk/testimonials/

His website: www.yogabristol.co.uk

Wild Oats on ‘Nutrition for Health’ by Mike Abrahams

Well-being – a series of one-hour talks with question and answer sessions on a wide range of issues about personal well-being.

The talk subjects range from nutrition to exercise and movement and relaxation.

A small charge of £2.00 per head per session is made to cover costs.

The dates are Wednesdays at 2.00pm to 3.00pm.

17th May with Katie Thompson on ‘Power and Beauty Within’.

24th May with Mike Abrahams, Wild Oats on ‘Nutrition for Health’.

The talk begins at 2pm and finishes by 3pm but do try to arrive a bit before for a prompt start.